As mentioned in our Discord - our servers (game & web) have been moved from a cloud (shared) VPS to a Dedicated Physical Server!
This allows us to streamline a lot of upgrades, to add new maps and the main thing is to provide more stable playing experience and faster downloads for you!
But sadly that comes with a price: we hope it will not double from what it was, but for a period of time we will have to cover the VPS prices as well

That is why we are asking for donations: You can donate by clicking here or with the yellow donate button on the left!

SURF 24/7 TIMER! (Tiers 1 - 3)

Top VIPs: Nonithoxx Meduza. zxzxy_àààààààà blinkyツ Xeen Fouci

Every 15 minutes on the server grants you 1 VIP point. At 500 points (Bronze Level) you unlock trails and chat colors (+tag/player color).
From 1500 points upwards you unlock two player models every +500 points!
More info while in server: !vip

Top 10 Surfers:
  • Fouci (5098)
  • blinkyツ (4041)
  • Jarrius (3336)
  • Happy (3019)
  • ice cold (2970)
  • Guffy ^v^ (2611)
  • niuke (2593)
  • hate (2410)
  • Anckarström (2339)
  • Xeen (2145)